LibRetto Returns & Sorting


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The Quantum Library Supplies suite of LibRetto Returns and Sorting Systems is simply the best on the market. The ideal choice for libraries that require automated returns capability with a sorter that is truly automatic – requiring no staff intervention.

Refer Below for more detail and to understand why LibRetto is the best – add to Quote or request for info and a free consultation for your library.

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Books Should be on Shelves!

Significantly reduce item handling in the office and enable patrons to return items at any time with confidence and borrow again immediately. LibRetto is a fully modular system, suitable for all kinds and sizes of libraries, with a minimum of one sorting position up to a maximum of 255 sorting positions.

Why Quantum Libraries and LibRetto?

All automatic sorters perform the same function – they receive and sort books. So what makes the Quantum Libraries LibRetto suite of products exceptional?

Truly No Staff Intervention Necessary!

LibRetto can be customized to fit the needs of your library. The modularity makes installing the system to your library easy, even in existing facilities. The modular structure also enables the devices to be extended and reconfigured later, for example by adding sorting positions or inlets.

An expert consultation takes into account your specific logistics needs. There are many and varied addons and options to choose from which will help handling returned material and improve workplace health and safety and ergonomics.

Melbourne University Hybrid Sorter with e-Bins


Watch a quick entertaining video.
The ultimate in Automated Handling from a book’s perspective
Where no man has gone before!

From One Returns Chute to a Complex Sorting Solution
We’ve Got You Covered. No Job too Big or Small!

Features and Benefits Summary

Combine with User Friendly Controlled Access Chutes & more


Schematic Examples

Typical Modular arrangements supplied as a guide only. Your custom modular solution is always configured to order. There are no special requirements for modification. Libretto can be configured in confined spaces

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